Battle of Endor (41)Full unit name: Battle of Endor
Last updated: 21.07.2024 0:06:53
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Basic info
First appearance: Return of the Jedi
Return of the Jedi
Happened during: Endor Campaign
Endor Campaign
Galactic Civil War
Relations: Endor
Known Facts (3)
Previous event: Night at Bright Tree Village
Night at Bright Tree Village (ROTJ)
(Endor Campaign)
Galactic Civil War

Event: The next day after they arrived to Endor
and met Ewok
Sentient Species
, the Rebels, fully rendezvoused with each other, accompanied by a force of Ewok warriors, descended upon a secret entrance to the Imperial bunker. While planning how to infiltrate the bunker, one of the Ewoks, Paploo, in an attempt to create a diversion, snuck onto a nearby speeder bike
Aratech 74-Z Speeder Bike
Ground Vehicle
and raced away into the forest. After most of the Scout Troopers
Imperial Scout Trooper
Galactic Empire Military
guarding the entrance raced away in pursuit of the Ewok, Solo
Han Solo
Major Characters
and the rest of the rebels easily gained entrance to the bunker, including luring the remaining trooper towards the waiting task force and forcing him to surrender, and, after capturing the Imperials inside, began to set explosives. Their victory was short-lived, however, as they were soon ambushed by another contingent of Imperials led by Colonel Dyer and Lieutenant Renz. Imperials led captured Rebels out of the bunker where they were met by hundreds of stormtroopers
Imperial Stormtrooper
Galactic Empire Military
and AT-STs
Ground Vehicle
. With the hopes of the Rebel task force all but dashed, the concealed Ewok force surrounding the bunker clearing launched a furious ambush, stunning the Imperials who had already dismissed them as primitive natives. Although initially surprised by the ambush, Tempest Force regained the upper hand and squads of stormtroopers pursued the Ewoks into the forest. Despite being outnumbered by the natives, the stormtroopers with their armor and advanced weapons forced the Ewoks back, and Imperial AT-ST scout walkers decimated Ewok holdouts. The Ewoks tried, but were unsuccessful with a number of tactics, such as using gliders to drop stones on top of the walkers, and trying to trip them with ropes.
With the Ewoks springing a number of more successful traps, they, along with Chewbacca
Major Characters
's commandeered AT-ST, were able to defeat the remaining scout walkers, before proceeding back to the entrance of the bunker to meet the Rebel Strike Team. With the Imperials in disarray, Solo posed as AT-ST pliot, informing the Imperials within the bunker via comlink that the battle was over, that the Rebels were fleeing into the woods, and that reinforcements were needed to continue the pursuit. Three squads of reinforcements were sent to help search for the Rebels. The Rebels, however, were waiting at the bunker door, and the Imperial reinforcements, sorely outnumbered and under the guns of an AT-ST, surrendered to the combined force of Rebels and Ewoks. The Rebels proceeded to infiltrate the Imperial facility, clear out the remaining personnel, and destroyed the bunker with several proton charges. The destruction of the facility brought down the deflector shield
SLD-26 Planetary Shield Generator
Ground Vehicle
surrounding the forest moon and the Death Star
Death Star 2
Space Stations
. The space station was now vulnerable to attack, and the next phase of the battle began.
Concurrent events: Battle over Endor
Battle over Endor
(Endor Campaign)
Galactic Civil War


See also
Related organizations
Imperial Scout Trooper
Imperial Stormtrooper
Imperial OfficerStructureCharactersDyerRenz
Rebel Alliance Special ForcesStructureCharactersHan Solo, Endor Strike TeamLeia Organa Solo, Endor Strike TeamChewbacca, Endor Strike TeamC-3PO, Endor Strike TeamR2-D2, Endor Strike TeamNik Sant, Endor Strike TeamBren Derlin, Endor Strike TeamJudder Page, Endor Strike TeamOrrimaarko, Endor Strike TeamDroids3PO-series Protocol DroidC-3PO, Endor Strike TeamR2-series Astromech DroidR2-D2, Endor Strike TeamSentient speciesWookieeChewbacca, Endor Strike TeamDressellianOrrimaarko, Endor Strike Team
Endor Strike TeamStructureCharactersHan SoloLeia Organa SoloChewbaccaC-3POR2-D2Nik SantBren DerlinJudder PageOrrimaarkoDroids3PO-series Protocol DroidC-3POR2-series Astromech DroidR2-D2Sentient speciesWookieeChewbaccaDressellianOrrimaarko
Related units, characters and other technologies
ChewbaccaMembershipEndor Strike TeamRebel Alliance Special ForcesEndor Strike Team
Han SoloMembershipEndor Strike TeamRebel Alliance Special ForcesEndor Strike Team
Leia Organa SoloMembershipEndor Strike TeamRebel Alliance Special ForcesEndor Strike Team
Bren DerlinMembershipEndor Strike TeamRebel Alliance Special ForcesEndor Strike Team
Judder PageMembershipEndor Strike TeamRebel Alliance Special ForcesEndor Strike Team
DyerMembershipImperial Officer
OrrimaarkoMembershipEndor Strike TeamRebel Alliance Special ForcesEndor Strike Team
PaplooMembershipAratech 74-Z Speeder Bike
RenzMembershipImperial Officer
Nik SantMembershipRebel Alliance Special ForcesEndor Strike TeamEndor Strike Team
C-3POMembershipRebel Alliance Special ForcesEndor Strike TeamEndor Strike Team
R2-D2MembershipEndor Strike TeamRebel Alliance Special ForcesEndor Strike Team
3PO-series Protocol DroidUsed by / onRebel Alliance Special ForcesC-3PO, Endor Strike TeamEndor Strike TeamC-3PO
R2-series Astromech DroidUsed by / onEndor Strike TeamR2-D2Rebel Alliance Special ForcesR2-D2, Endor Strike Team
Aratech 74-Z Speeder BikeCrewCharactersPaploo
SLD-26 Planetary Shield Generator
DressellianWere among members ofEndor Strike TeamOrrimaarkoRebel Alliance Special ForcesOrrimaarko, Endor Strike Team
WookieeWere among members ofEndor Strike TeamChewbaccaRebel Alliance Special ForcesChewbacca, Endor Strike Team
Complete list

Full unit name: Battle of Endor Last updated: 21.07.2024 0:06:53